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Recent Media Publications of newsworthy issues effecting the LGBTQ+ Community
JULY 4, 2022 UPDATE:
New Jersey teacher fired for organizing a "Day of Silence" in support of LGBTQ+ youth. Board of Education to continue discussion of the matter at a July 14 meeting. Story here
Fresh off the heels of the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v Wade, one of the justices puts the LGBTQ+ community on notice by stating that the landmark ruling which paved the way for same sex marriage should also be reviewed. NBC news' coverage can be found here.
Pennsylvania teachers ban together to take action against hate filled legislation aimed at targeting LGBTQ+ youth. Please read this important article from a local Philadelphia paper reporting on events as they unfold here.
JUNE 26, 2022 UPDATE:
With Roe v Wade having been overturned, SCOTUS signals same sex marriage could be next. USA today article can be found here.
In honor of pride celebrations happening everywhere, a history of the Pride Flag, offered by CNN can be seen by clicking this link.
NYC once again plays host to World Pride. Full details found here.
APRIL 17, 2022 UPDATE:
Kentucky takes center stage as latest battleground for transgender rights. There, the governor vetoed an anti-discriminatory bill. The state legislature went on to override that veto, thus Kentucky becomes the latest state to restrict the rights of it's trans constituents.
Read the article here.
Disney vows more gay characters and a future of inclusivity. The New York Post article can be found here.
An ABC News report claims the number of adults who identify as LGBTQ+ has DOUBLED in the last decade.
Click here to find the article.
Watch List! Colleges known for being UNSAFE for LGBTQ+ students:
The list, created by NBC News, can be found here.
Texas law makers deliver another set back to the transgender acceptance movement by banning transgender athletes from participating with school sports teams that align with their gender identity:
The NBC News article can be found here.
Must See! Amazon to release docuseries featuring trans student’s journey of authenticity via Prime Video platform on November 12
The People Magazine interview can be found here.

DC Comics announces plans for Superman to have a same sex love interest!
An article featured in The New York Times can be found here.
People share their emotional stories to help others on National Coming Out Day. You can too, by visiting our Get Involved Page and submitting your story via Tell us Your Story, but first, read the USA Today! article here.
Considering Coming out on National Coming Out Day? Join this list of 21 people who have already done so this year!
Carl Nassib becomes first openly gay NFL player. With worries that the occasion would be career ending, Nassib finds friendship and support from team mates. The report from Sporting News can be found here.
University of Michigan presents LGBTQ+ themed halftime show to rave reviews from fans present and online.
Find the report from LGBTQ News Nation here.
Hallmark Channel is poised to release its first ever holiday movie centered around a lesbian couple.
More information can be found here.
‘POSE’ makes history with Emmy nominations. Though the series did scoop up three awards for hairstyling, costume, and makeup, Hollywood proves itself to be just as accepting of trans people as it is people of color.
Details can be found here.
Time Magazine and highlights a recent protest held in Switzerland where tens of thousands of people held a protest rally to seek marriage equality: The Time Magzine article can be found here.
RuPaul’s Drag Race crowns first ever transgender winner.
To read the NBC News report, click here.
Transgender student wins 1.3M lawsuit against Board of Education
The New York Times feature can be found here.
The US ranks behind Spain, Denmark, and The UK when it comes to acceptance of LGBTQ+ youth.
The Yahoo! News article can be found here.
1 in 10 LGBTQ+ people fear homelessness by Thanksgiving.
For the full LGBTQ Nation report, click here.