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Featured below are several various ways EVERYONE can take an active approach toward advancing acceptance of the LGBTQ+ Community in the world around us.

A simple Facebook post from our founder telling his friends that he and his husband would be sending hand-knit scarves to Trinity Place Shelter as holiday gifts would be the catalyst of greater things to come as over 1,000 donors came together and created a Christmas Miracle for the youth at Trinity Place Shelter. Those donors are forever known as The Love Network
As the anticipation builds in making holiday ornaments available to purchase, we are asking donors to keep the youth at Trinity Place Shelter on the forefront of their mind. To that end, we have two EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITIES for donors to have a direct positive effect on those youth in the shelter.
One way is to visit Amazon and send directly to the shelter, a tangible item from their WishList. They’re looking for large fans, various house supplies, and as always, gift cards for food. *The Colors of Love WishList will be coming soon, till then, send them something form their’s!
Always on our mind is that the young people at Trinity are homeless, in transitional housing with no mother, no father. Visit our ‘Mom Letters’ page for more information about how to can make a huge impact on one of their lives, simply by writing a letter. Dads are welcome too!
Keeping our promise to Trinity Place Shelter that we would remember them with Christmas in July, any and all donations received will be donated directly to Trinity Place Shelter (less standard transaction fees). Wouldn’t it be nice if The Colors of Love covered the cost of a meal for the residents at Trinity? Your cup of coffee, with those of a few friends added in could reach a nice mid summer donation of the $200 needed to feed all 10 young people one full dinner. Care to give up your coffee today?